Monday, March 14, 2016

What Does it Mean to be a Progressive Parent?

Positive response is the key and critical way to be a progressive parent.  To understand the basics of this parenting method visit  Allen Creek is a preschool located in Ann Arbor Michigan that practices emotional, interpersonal, and emotional understanding between parents and their young children.

If children have a healthy respect for themselves and those around them such as their community then they are off to a great start.  Teaching the building of emotional strength in your little one puts you on the road to being a progressive parent.  They will learn how to explore and express themselves at a very early age.  This is something that some people go through life never mastering.

You do not have to travel to Michigan to discover and practice this parenting technique.  In Houston Dr. Penelope J. Hooks is a Progressive Parent Practitioner.  Dr. Hooks can help you tackle the most important job you will ever have…raising a life to adulthood.  Please arrange an appointment at her Houston office by calling (713) 521-9087.

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